Arunk Kumar
Arun Kumar has rich 10 years of experience in technical journalism. He is reporter and technical news author. He is also interested in Photo journalism and reporting.
Contact author at:
Mobile: +91 9250143898
Address: G-26/128, Sector-3, Rohini Delhi - 110085 India.

Lebanon Coronavirus Update – Coronavirus cases climb to 502,299, Total Deaths reaches to 6,778 on 14-Apr-2021

Lebanon Coronavirus Update – Coronavirus cases climb to 502,299, Total Deaths reaches to 6,778 on 14-Apr-2021In Lebanon total confirmed cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) have increased to 502,299, while 6,778 people died due to the growing infection in the country. Coronavirus (Covid-19) update from around the world: New Delhi, 04-July-2020: BJP President JP Nadda said that over […]

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OnePlus 8 Pro specification leaked on the certification site, OnePlus 8 Pro to come with dual-mode 5G connectivity

The dual-mode 5G model of OnePlus 8 Pro recently appeared on the certification websites. According to the details appeared on the certification website, OnePlus 8 Pro will come with the dual-mode 5G connectivity support. Mobile phone manufacturer, OnePlus could be launching three models of OnePlus 8 in the first quarter of 2020. As per the […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Google launches Alpha version of TensorFlow 2.0 machine learning library with new privacy focus tools

Search Engine and Technology giant Google on Thursday announced the release of its most advanced machine learning library TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha version.  At the 3rd annual TensorFlow Developer Summit; Google announced TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha, Coral Development Platform, Coral Dev Board and USB accelerator. These products will further fuel the growth of TensorFlow machine learning library. […]

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Artificial Intelligence IoT

Google launched single-board AI enabled, TPU based computer for Edge computing

Search Engine giant Google launched TPU based single-board computer and a USB accelerator for Edge computing. Google branded it with the name “Coral Dev Board” and this device is essentially a single-board computer with many I/O interfaces including CPU, TPU, USB ports, LAN Ports and display port. Google also released USB accelerator which can be […]

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