Artificial Intelligence

TensorFlow 2.0 features – Google releases TensorFlow 2.0 with exciting AI features, Keras is now tightly integrated with TensorFlow 2.0

TensorFlow 2.0 features – Google releases TensorFlow 2.0 with exciting AI features, Keras is now tightly integrated with TensorFlow 2.0 Google released TensorFlow 2.0 last month with promises to provide top features in the new TensorFlow for developing next generation deep learning models. Developers around the world are excited about the TensorFlow 2.0 final version […]

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Artificial Intelligence

IIT Guwahati Announces New MTech Programme In Data Science

Keeping this vision alive, the IIT Guwahati recently announced the launch of new MTech program in data science. Like every part of India, the northeast has its equal share of talents and minds that want to contribute to the booming technology landscape of the country with their innovations and skills in computer science. The new […]

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Artificial Intelligence

China to overtake the US in artificial intelligence: researchers

According to the research conducted by Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, China has already surpassed the US in Artificial Intelligence technologies. Research shows that China has published more research papers in artificial intelligence technologies as compared to US. Those days are gone when Chinese technology and manufacturing capacity were operating largely equated with cheap and […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft Just Launched Business School for AI Education to Help Business Heads and Strategists in Decision Making

While artificial intelligence (AI) technology continued to penetrate into every sphere of digital applications and web, major tech honchos like Microsoft are coming with new projects that can help to produce new talents for this vibrant technology space. To take ahead the impact of AI in future innovations and development, Microsoft recently launched business school […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Google is Going to Use Machine Learning to Predict Floods

For a long time, we were speculating about the use of machine learning technology for predicting floods. Finally, Google came with something real and practical in this regard. Google Flood Forecasting Initiative has already been formed headed by Sella Nevo, a Machine Learning specialist. He is also credited to be one of the creators of […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Google launches Alpha version of TensorFlow 2.0 machine learning library with new privacy focus tools

Search Engine and Technology giant Google on Thursday announced the release of its most advanced machine learning library TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha version.  At the 3rd annual TensorFlow Developer Summit; Google announced TensorFlow 2.0 Alpha, Coral Development Platform, Coral Dev Board and USB accelerator. These products will further fuel the growth of TensorFlow machine learning library. […]

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Artificial Intelligence IoT

Google launched single-board AI enabled, TPU based computer for Edge computing

Search Engine giant Google launched TPU based single-board computer and a USB accelerator for Edge computing. Google branded it with the name “Coral Dev Board” and this device is essentially a single-board computer with many I/O interfaces including CPU, TPU, USB ports, LAN Ports and display port. Google also released USB accelerator which can be […]

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Artificial Intelligence

Google’s New AI Powered Grammar Checker Has Just Arrived

Google has just launched new AI-powered Grammar Checker for its G Suite. Here we explain how it adds value as a proofreading tool. We all use Google docs which offers the simplicity of editing and sharing docs on the go across all devices. It gave freedom from earlier writing and note-taking tools with all the […]

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