Aeris Mobility IoT Platform Now is Available with Okinawa Scooters

Aeris announces the integration of Aeris Mobility IoT Platform to Okinawa Scooters at the IoT India Congress, Curtain Raiser 2019, New Delhi on March 12t. Okinawa Scooters as one of the leading Indian electric two-wheeler manufacturing companies already established its brand name in the B2B and B2C segments since its beginning in 2015. While IOT […]

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Outdated Operating Systems of Medical IOT Devices Led to Data Theft

While IOT or Internet of Things devices is continuing to make inroads in the field of healthcare, they are always vulnerable to cyber attacks and security threats. This concern finally now has a basis as recently the outdated operating systems of Medical IoT (IoMT) devices become exposed to cyber attacks. While in the multi-trillion dollar […]

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AT&T Auto Plug-in Became the First IOT Device to Get Cybersecurity Certification

The regulatory body for the wireless industry, CTIA just approved the AT&T Plug-in under the Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Device Program. This became the first device to get cybersecurity certification. According to industry sources, the certification has long time implications as the security for the IOT devices continued to remain a concerning area, although […]

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Artificial Intelligence IoT

Google launched single-board AI enabled, TPU based computer for Edge computing

Search Engine giant Google launched TPU based single-board computer and a USB accelerator for Edge computing. Google branded it with the name “Coral Dev Board” and this device is essentially a single-board computer with many I/O interfaces including CPU, TPU, USB ports, LAN Ports and display port. Google also released USB accelerator which can be […]

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