Aeris announces the integration of Aeris Mobility IoT Platform to Okinawa Scooters at the IoT India Congress, Curtain Raiser 2019, New Delhi on March 12t. Okinawa Scooters as one of the leading Indian electric two-wheeler manufacturing companies already established its brand name in the B2B and B2C segments since its beginning in 2015.
While IOT solutions are continuing to expand across industry niches and services of all sorts, some companies are constantly taking the IOT innovations to the next level. Aeris which is already known for its end-to-end IoT as well as machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions for different niches and sectors like the healthcare, manufacturing, automobile, insurance, and utilities has unleashed its innovative solutions for a smart scooter range. While smart automobile systems are continuously evolving, bringing IOT solution to a scooter looks to be a daunting move by Aeris.
IOT is penetrating across all industries and a vast majority of industries are coming into the ambit of the connected ecosystem led by IOT devices. Aeris is a leading technology solution and service provider that provides comprehensive IoT and machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions for all the industries including manufacturing, automobile, utilities, insurance, healthcare and manufacturing.
The company made some significant announcements and revelations
in the recently concluded IoT India Congres. Aeris was the Internet of Things
(IoT) technology partner for Enterprises as mentioned by the event. One of the
most significant announcements that Aeris made in the event is the integration
of Aeris Mobility IoT Platform to Okinawa Scooters. Okinawa Scooters as one of
the leading Indian electric two-wheeler manufacturing companies already
established its brand name in the B2B and B2C segments since its beginning in
The new technology perfectly fits the scheme of things for the scooter
manufacturer as its primary focus has always been on producing eco-friendly and
sustainable scooters with the least harmful effects on nature. The socially
responsible vision of the company can be explained now through 3 major
principles flaunted by the company such as Go green, Save Mother Earth and
Reduce the Carbon Dioxide emission. With this vision, only Okinawa scooters
started making high-speed electric vehicles by using cutting-edge electric
Apart from its focus on going green and pollution free, the
company is also known to have made immense inputs by providing the latest
safety and security solutions with its range of scooters. Some of the smart
safety features that made Okinawa scooters especially for the consumers include
Driver Behaviour tracking, Trips, Alerts, Find My Scooter, Secure Park and SOS.
The customers of Okinawa scooter can even stop the scooter from moving remotely
in case the vehicle is stolen. When it comes to enterprise uses of these
scooters, they can ensure far better safety for the rider and the movable
assets. The scooter allows connectivity through a connected mobile app for
individual customers and a web solution for enterprises.
Aeris as a leading technology brand in the field of IoT solutions already
developed innovative connected device ecosystem for enterprises, manufacturers,
techies and solution providers across a wide range of industries. Thanks to the
connected ecosystem of integrated sensors and remote monitoring apps, real-time
tracking of the vehicles and optimising safety and security for the rider as
well as vehicle asset have become easier than ever before. Thanks to this IOT
integration, preventive maintenance and support will also help to boost the
longevity of the vehicles.
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