Artificial Intelligence

IIT Guwahati Announces New MTech Programme In Data Science

Keeping this vision alive, the IIT Guwahati recently announced the launch of new MTech program in data science. Like every part of India, the northeast has its equal share of talents and minds that want to contribute to the booming technology landscape of the country with their innovations and skills in computer science. The new MTech program from the IIT Guwahati is basically geared to create a favourable and highly equipped atmosphere for these aspirants.

For some years the focus of every successive government has been on tech education through public and private institutions across India. The present government’s flagship projects like “Smart Cities” and “Startup India” already had the resonance of this vision to incorporate technology education under the purview of public sector institutions and curriculum.

The news came as a welcome surprise for all the students and aspirants of higher education in computer science belonging to Assam and the northeast region. We all know the increasing importance of data in the world of technology in shaping and breaking the new technologies. The noted institute took the inputs of 3 specific departments, namely Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Mathematics to create this interdisciplinary programme.

Data analytics became now a discipline that converging a variety of technology domains across various sectors is continuously creating opportunities for new startups and employment of new talents with skills corresponding to data analytics and latest fields of data science. When finding the right talents became a focus area for the startups to stay on the growth path, the new program comes as a significant boost to the nurturing of talents in the field of data science and data analytics.

Reportedly, the biggest beneficiaries of the new talent pull from such a curriculum will be India’s financial institutions that are playing a significant role in propelling the growth in GDP. As per the recent study it has been found that analytics and data science together make 6% of open job openings all over the globe. While the total number of job openings in the fields of data analytics and data science in India stands at 97,000, 97% of them are full-time jobs while only 3% of them are part-time assignments. So, the employment opportunities for the above-mentioned skills is literally huge.

Already data analytics is something every online venture and digital marketers of brands across niches are frowning upon for the sheer entry of benefits they offer. As the demand for data science and analytics professionals continue to grow, the availability of such professionals in the future may not keep pace with the overwhelming demand. This is another reason why any move towards creating new educational programs in the field of data science can have a significantly positive impact.

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Sangita Roy
Sangita Roy is technical editor with years of experience in reporting, editing and managing media team. Her interest is technical reporting and writing columns for many media house.
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